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Willibald in Jerusalem

11 & 12 November 2024




Willibald in Jerusalem

In Commemoration of the 1300th Anniversary

of the Pilgrim Willibald of Eichstätt’s Arrival in Jerusalem

(November 11, 724)


Monday, November 11, 2024

A Day of Lectures and Liturgies / Light Lunch Provided

Dormition Abbey, Jerusalem (Mount Sion)

9:00 – 19:30


Tuesday, November 12, 2024

In the Footsteps of Willibald: Group Visits to Holy Sites

Holy Sepulchre, St Anne’s, Mary’s Tomb and Gethsemane

[Details provided at the Monday Conference]

9:00 – 13:00


All events are free and open to the public.

For more information, contact Rodney Aist (coursedirector@sgcjerusalem.org)

or Georg Röwekamp (g.roewekamp@dvhl.de).


Event Partners


Dormition Abbey on Mount Sion / Deutscher Verein vom Heiligen Lande (DVHL)

Jerusalem Institute of the Görres Society

St George’s College, Jerusalem / The Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem and the Holy Land


Monday, November 11 (Dormition Abbey)


  • Dr. Georg Röwekamp, DVHL/Pilgerhaus Tabgha / 9:45

 ‘Willibald and the concept of peregrinatio ex patria


  • Professor Ora Limor, The Open University of Israel / Görres Keynote Lecture / 10:50

‘Willibald’s Pilgrimage: From Travel to Text’


  • Dr. Rodney Aist, St George’s College, Jerusalem / 14:00

‘Willibald’s Description of Jerusalem’


  • Round Table: ‘The Importance of Willibald for Modern Scholarship’ / 15:00

Dr. Carla Benelli, Pro Terra Sancta (Sebastia)

Professor Motti Aviam, Kinneret Academic College (Bethsaida)


  • Professor Thomas Kremer, Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt / 16:15

‘Pilgrims at Holy Sites of the Christian East’


  • Professor Thomas O’Loughlin, University of Nottingham

‘Medieval Pilgrims’ Perceptions of Holy Land Liturgies’ / 17:15


Ecumenical Prayers and Liturgies (Abbot Nikodemus Schnabel)

Morning Prayer (9:00), Noonday Prayer (12:15), Vespers (18:30)