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Bridges for Peace (International Headquaters)

Int. President: Rev. Rebecca Brimmer
P.O. Box 1093

9101001 Jerusalem 

Tel: +972 (0)2 624 5004
E-mail: intl.office@bridgesforpeace.com

Website: www.bridgesforpeace.com

Christian Friends of Israel

Direction: Ray and Sharon Sanders
P.O. Box 1813

9101701 Jerusalem

Tel: +972 (0)2 623 3778
Website: www.cfijerusalem.org

Church of God (Pentecostal)

Person in charge: Pastor Gary Hull
Mount of Olives (near Commodore Hotel)
Al-Mashreq Alley 2 #8
P.O. Box 19287

9119201 Jerusalem

Tel/Fax: +972 (0)2 627 3899
E-mail: mountofolivesCOG@startmail.com 

St. Andrew's church of Scotland, Jerualem & Tiberias (also known as St. Andrew's Scots Memorial Church, Presbyterian)

Pastor: Rev Dr Steward Gillan
1 David Remez Street
P.O. Box 8619

9108601 Jerusalem

Tel: +972 (0)2 673 2401
Fax: +972 (0)2 673 1711
E-mail: sgillan@churchofscotland.org.uk 

Website: www.standrewsjerusalem.org

Church of the Nazarene International

Pastor: Rev. Stéphane Tibi

33 Nablus Road
P.O. Box 19426

9119301 Jerusalem

Tel: +972 (0)54 260 5553
E-mail: jerusalem.nazarene@gmail.com 

Garden Tomb - Interdenominational

Director: Mr. Stephen Bridge
Nablus Road (near Damascus Gate)
P.O. Box 19462

9119302 Jerusalem

Tel: +972 (0)2 539 8100
Fax: +972 (0)2 627 2742
E-mail: bookings@gardentomb.com 
Website: www.gardentomb.com

International Christian Embassy (ICEJ)

Executive Director: Dr. Juergen Buehler
P.O. Box 1192

9101002 Jerusalem

Tel: +972 (0)2 539 9700
Fax. +972 (0)2 539 9701
Website: www.icej.org

King of Kings Assembly

Rev. Wayne Hilsden, Rev. Chuck Cohen
Jaffa St. (Clal Building) 
P.O. Box 427

9100301 Jerusalem

Tel: +972 (0)2 625 1899
Fax: +972 (0)2 625 1896
Email: kkcj@kkcj.org
Website: www.kkcj.org

House of Bread Church (Evangelical) - Bethlehem

Pastor: Issa & Diana Al-Zoughbi
P.O. Box 326 - Bethlehem

Tel: +970 (0)2 274 4162
Fax: +970 (0)2 275 0739
E-mail: hob@p-ol.com
Website: www.hobcm.palvision.net

Korean Presbyterian Church

Rev. Chung Pauk Lee
French Hill
BarKokba St. 48/35

9787544 Jerusalem

Tel: +972 (0)2 582 7650

Tel: +972 (0)52 441 8423
E-mail: kibsipaul@yahoo.com

Methodist Liaison Office in Palestine and Israel

Methodist Liaison: Ms. Janet Lahr Lewis
PO Box 14631
9114601 Jerusalem

Tel: +972 (0)2 623 4207 (work)
Cell +972 (0)54 669 7736
E-mail: Admin@methodist-jer-org
E-mail: Jlahrlewis@yahoo.com

Seventh Day Adventist Center

Rev. Roger Robertsen
4 Abraham Lincoln Street
P.O. Box 592

9100402 Jerusalem

Tel: +972 (0)2 625 1547
Fax: +972 (0)2 625 1319
E-mail: roger.robertsen@netvision.net.il
Website: www.adventist-israel.org

The Jerusalem Alliance Church

Pastor: Mazen Nasrawi
16 Al Rusul St.

Old City
P.O. Box 14244

9114201 Jerusalem

Tel: +972 (0)2 626 0711
Email: info@jeac.org
Website: www.jeachurch.com

Haifa - Beit Eliahu (Messianic Congregation)

43 Meir Rothberg (German Colony)
P.O. Box 525

3100401 Haifa

Tel: +972 (0)4 852 3581
Fax: +972 (0)4 851 6875
Cell: +972 (0)54 470 6917 (Pastor)
E-mail: shalom@beiteliahu.org
Website: www.beiteliahu.org

Haifa - Kehilat HaCarmel (Messianic Congregation)

Kehilat HaCarmel
P.O. Box 7004
3107001 Haifa


E-mail: info@carmelcongregation.org.il
Tel: +972 4 839 1347

Fax: +972 4 839 0578
Website: www.carmelcongregation.org.il


Community Center - Beit Yedidia
Tel: +972 4 837 4724

E-mail: beityedi122@gmail.com
Website: www.carmelcongregation.org.il

Rehabilitation Center - House of Victory
Director: Eric Benson
P.O. Box 45384

3145301 Haifa

E-mail: houseofv@netvision.net.il 
Website: www.carmelcongregation.org.il

Beit Immanuel (Messianic Congregation)

8 Auerbach Street
6811912 Tel Aviv - Jaffa

Tel: +972 (0)3 682 1459
Fax: +972 (0)3 682 9817
E-mail: welcome@beitimmanuel.org
Website: www.beitimmanuel.org

Jaffa Assembly (Messianic Congregation)

42 Yefet Street
6813019 Tel Aviv - Jaffa

Tel: +972 (0)3 682 7146
E-mail: kmyt@walla.co.il
Website: www.baj.co.il