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The Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land has sponsored the Christian Information Centre (C.I.C.) since 1973. The Center is situated opposite the Tower of David, just inside the Jaffa Gate of Jerusalem's Old City. The aim of the C.I.C. is to provide information on Christianity and on the Holy Land - including shrines and holy places, the numerous churches in the region, liturgies, aspects of religious and cultural life, other activities, etc.
Obviously, in a city like Jerusalem, an information service is essential, and our aim is to provide a wide range of information for those wishing to learn as much as possible about Christianity in the Holy Land, and about the Holy Land in relation to Christianity.
The Christian Information Center has a three-fold mission:
- Provide information and advise, by phone or in person, to pilgrims and residents
- Supply media outlets, scholars and religious communities with news concerning religious or cultural events taking place in the area
- Distribute general information about Christian life in the Holy Land
To achieve these objectives, the Center has brought together a vast collection of documents concerning people, churches, convents, sanctuaries, schools, scientific institutions, religious institutions, etc.
We are very happy to welcome you to Christian Information Centre in Jerusalem!
For quick and easy information on the Holy Places and on Christian communities in the Holy Land, visit the Christian Information Centre near Jaffa Gate in the Old City of Jerusalem.
Find answers to your questions:
- opening hours
- how to get to sites by public transportation
- times of Church services
- interesting events in the area
This free service is provided by
the Franciscans of the Custody of the Holy Land
who welcome all visitors to Jerusalem.
Information Desk:
Tel: +972 (0)2 627 2692
Email: cicinfo@cicts.org
Office working Hours:
Monday - Saturday 9:00 - 17:00
On Sundays and Christian Holidays closed
Franciscan Pilgrims' Office:
Office for Mass reservation at Franciscan Holy Sites
Pilgrim Certificates
Tel: +972 (0)2 627 2697
Email: fpo@cicts.org
Office working Hours:
Monday - Friday 9:00 - 13:00
On Saturday, Sunday and Christian Holidays closed.