Schedule for the Basilica of the Nativity, St. Catherine Church & Shepherds' Field
December 24
Rachel's Tomb 13:00 H.B. Card. Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem is welcomed by the Latin parish priests and representatives of Bethlehem, Beit Jala & Beit Sahour
Manger Square 13:30 Solemn entry of the Patriarch into the Basilica of the Nativity and the Church of Saint Catherine followed by I Vespers
Church of Saint Catherine 16:00 Daily procession to the Grotto of the Nativity
21:00 The church doors open & will close when the church is full (No tickets required – THIS YEAR ONLY)
23:30 Office of Readings
00:00 Midnight Mass
Live stream of the Christmas Mass Vigil by the Christian Media Center here
* Please see the attachments below for listings of Masses and celebrations for the Catholic Lutheran & Anglican Churches
December 25
Manger Grotto 00:00 Parish Mass in Arabic (No tickets required – THIS YEAR ONLY)
Church of Saint Catherine 1:30 Procession to the Grotto of the Nativity
Manger Grotto Masses every 30 minutes beginning at 2:30 until 16:30, with interruption at 5:30 - 7:00 for the Orthodox Communities
Church of Saint Catherine 7:30 Parish Mass in Arabic; 10:00 Christmas Mass (Arabic and Latin)
Shepherds' Field14:00 Pilgrimage to the Franciscan Shrine of the Shepherds' Field and the Shepherds' Cave in the Orthodox Church in Beit Sahour
December 26, Feast of Saint Stephen, Protomartyr
Manger Grotto 4:55 Holy Mass; 7:30 Holy Mass
December 27, Feast of Saint John the Apostle
Manger Grotto 4:55 Holy Mass; 7:30 Holy Mass
Church of Saint Catherine 9:00 Holy Mass in Arabic
December 28, Feast of the Holy Innocents
Manger Grotto 4:55 Holy Mass; 07:30 Holy Mass
Church of Saint Catherine - Grotto of the Holy Innocents 7:30 Holy Mass in Arabic10:00 Solemn Mass in Latin
December 29, Feast of the Holy Family
Manger Grotto 4:55 Holy Mass; 07:30 Holy Mass
Church of Saint Catherine Parish Masses in Arabic at 7:30, 9:00 & 11:00; 17:30 Christmas Carols (Chapel of Saint Francis)
Shepherds’ Field 16:30 Holy Mass in Arabic in commemoration of the shepherds
December 30, in the Octave of Christmas
Manger Grotto 4:55 Holy Mass; 07:30 Holy Mass
Church of Saint Catherine 7:30 Parish Mass in Arabic
December 31, New Year’s Eve
Manger Grotto 4:55 Holy, Mass; 09:00 Holy Mass
Church of Saint Catherine 14:00 Vespers followed by Procession to the Grotto of the Nativity
16:00 Eucharistic Adoration
17:00 Holy Mass of Thanksgiving in Arabic
January 1, Solemnity of Mary, The Holy Mother of God
Manger Grotto 4:55 Holy Mass; 7:30 Holy Mass
Church of Saint Catherine 10:00 Solemn Mass in Arabic followed by the Procession to the Milk Grotto with the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary
17:00 Parish Mass in Arabic (Chapel of Saint Francis)
January 2
Church of Saint Catherine Parish Masses in Arabic at 7:30, 9:00 & 11:00
January 3
Church of Saint Catherine - Grotto of Saint Joseph 16:30 Holy Mass
January 4
Church of Saint Catherine 16:30 Parish Mass in Arabic
January 5, Eve of Epiphany
Manger Grotto 4:55 Holy Mass; 07:30 Holy Mass
Church of Saint Catherine 7:30 Parish Mass in Arabic
Rachel's Tomb 11:00 The Custos of the Holy Land, H.P. Fr. Francesco Patton ofm, is welcomed by the Latin priests and representatives of Bethlehem
Church of Saint Catherine 11:30 Solemn Entry of the Custos of the Holy Land into Manger Square, the Basilica of the Nativity and the Church of Saint Catherine
13:45 First Vespers and Procession to the Grotto of the Nativity
15:30 Office of Readings and Procession to the Grotto of the Nativity
January 6, Epiphany
Manger Grotto Masses every 30 minutes beginning at 2:30 until 8:45, with interruption at 1:00 - 2:30 for the Orthodox Communities
Church of Saint Catherine 8:00 Holy Mass in Arabic
10:00 Solemn Mass in Latin and Arabic
15:30 I Vespers and Solemn Procession to the Manger Grotto with Veneration of the Infant Jesus with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh