Find a Guide


Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent of Paul

Ein Kerem

Rehov HaMayan

P.O.B. 9209

 Jerusalem 9109102

Tel.: +972(0)2-6413280

Tel.: +972(0)2-6438213

 Fax: +972(0)2-6438160
E-mail: srssandpam@gmail.com
Website: www.svaka.org



Helen Keller School for the Blind



Main Street

Beit Hanina

P.O.B. 55319

Jerusalem 9155301

Tel.: +972(0)2-5833841

Fax: +972(0)2-5854616
E-mail: admin@helenkellerschool.com





House of Hope

For the blind and children with special need


Hebron Road, Bethlehem

Mailing address: P.O.B. 11670

Jerusalem 9111601

Tel.: +970(0)2-2742325

Fax: +970(0)2-2740928
E-mail: info@hohbethlehem.org
Website: www.hohbethlehem.org 


Peace Center for Blind


French Hill

P.O.B. 19103


Tel.: +972(0)2-5821222

 Fax: +972(0)2-5813445
E-mail: pc4b@netvision.net.il
Website: www.pc4b.org





Princess Basma Center for Disabled Children


Mount of Olives

Opposite Makasid Hospital

Mailing address: P.O.B. 19764

Jerusalem 9119701

Tel.: +972(0)2-628 3058

Tel.: +972(0)2-6264536

Fax: +972(0)2-6274449
E-mail: info@basma-centre.org
Website: www.basma-centre.org


The Four Homes of Mercy


Frères Street

Mailing address: P.O.B. 19185

Jerusalem 91191

Tel.: +972(0)2-6274871

Fax: +972(0)2-6274871
Website: www.fourhomesofmercy.com 





Al Shurooq Resource Center for the Blind


Mailing address: P.O.B. 19924

Jerusalem 9119802

Beit Jala - Gas Station

Tel.: +970(0)2-2766151

 Fax: +970(0)2-2766151



Pontifical Institute for Audio-phonetic rehabilitation

of deaf-mute children


Paul VI Street

P.O.B. 105


Tel.: +970(0)2-2777584

Tel.: +970(0)2-2742568

Mobil: +972(0)52 2784281

Fax: +970(0)2-2777585
E-mail: ephpheta2017@gmail.com





God Child Home

Institute of the Servants of the Lord

& the Virgin of Matara



Mailing address: P.O.B. 825

Jerusalem 9100702

Tel.: +970(0)2-2754520

Tel.: +970(0)2-2754520
E-mail: c.belen@servidoras.org



 Home for Disabled Children


1117 Al-Sider Street

Beit Jala

Mailing address: P.O.B. 1568

Jerusalem 9101402

Tel. +970(0)2-2750044
E-mail: rikko@beitjemima.org

E-mail: cc@beitjemima.org
Website: www.jemima.nl





Holy Family School

(Opera Don Guanella)

Rehabilitation Center

for physically and mentally disabled


2 Don Guanella St.

Mailing address: P.O.B. 50586

Nazareth 1616302

Tel.: +972(0)4-6573443

 Fax: +972(0)4-6550299
E-mail: 228122@tzafonet.org.il
Website: www.guanella.org


Rehabilitation Center

for deaf-mute children

(Daughters of Charity)


P.O.B. 50294

Nazareth 1616102

Tel.: +972(0)4-6509000

 Fax: +972(0)4-6574747
E-mail: aalca2004@yahoo.es




School of Joy for slow learners 


Beit Sahour
YMCA Street

Tel.: +970(0)2-2772329
Tel.: +970(0)2-2758762
E-mail: joyschool@p-ol.com
Website: www.schoolofjoy.org


Micha Haifa Center

Society for the Education of Deaf Children

(Haifa & Nothern Israel)

50 Zahal Street
P.O.B. 9096
31090 Haifa

Tel.: +972(0)4-8538276
Fax: +972(0)4-852689
Website: www.micha.org.il/en





Sacred Heart Home for disabled children

(Daughters of Charity)


13 Allenby Street

Mailing address: P.O.B. 2106

Haifa 3102001

Tel.: +972(0)4-8673890

Fax: +972(0)4-8664805
E-mail: srmayoub@yahoo.fr


Star Mountain Rehabilitation Center

 (Moravian Church)



P.O.B. 199

Ramallah – Bir Zeit 

Tel.: +970(0)2-2962707/5

Fax: +970(0)2-2962715
E-mail: starmountaincenter@gmail.com
Website: www.starmountain.org