Find a Guide


Action Reconciliation – Services for Peace (ASF)


28 Ein Gedi Street

Jerusalem 9338303

Tel.: +972(0)2-6732587 (office)
E-mail: Israel@asf-ev.de
Website: asf-ev.de/israel/ 

International Meeting Center & guesthouse

"Beit Ben Yehuda”
Phone: +972 (0)2-6730124

Fax: +972 (0)2-6717540
E-mail: info@beit-ben-yehuda.org
Website: beit-ben-yehuda.org



American Middle East

Education Testing Service (AMIDEAST)




Al-Watanieh Towers

1st floor,

34 Municipality Street


Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 19665

Jerusalem 9119601


Website: www.amideast.org
Contact in Jerusalem: +972 (0)2-5829297





Caritas – Jerusalem


Notre Dame of Jerusalem Center

P.O.B. 31426

Jerusalem 9131302

Tel.: +972(0)2 6287574

Tel.: +972(0)2-6275310

Tel.: +972(0)2-6288421
E-mail: caritas@caritasjr.org 
Website: www.caritasjr.org


Catholic Relief Services (CRS)


Jibel Al Mutran Street

Beit Hanina

P.O.B. 19447

Jerusalem 9119302

Tel.: +972(0)2-6569240

 Fax: +972(0)2-6569243
E-mail: jwbg_crs_members@global.crs.org
Website: www.catholicrelief.org





Ecumenical Accompaniment Program

 in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI)


Jerusalem Coordination Office:
P.O.B. 741
Jerusalem 9100701

Tel. +972(0)2-6289402
E-mail: eappi-lpc@wcc-coe.org
Website: www.eappi.org


German Association of the Holy Land

Deutscher Verein vom Heiligen Land




Dr. Georg Röwekamp


Jerusalem Office 
97 Nablus Road
P.O.B. 19070

 9119001 Jerusalem

Tel.: +972(0)2-627 16 86 
Fax: +972(0)2-627 66 41
E-mail: reception@dvhl.de
Website: www.dvhl.de 





Lutheran World Federation Jerusalem (LWF)


Mount of Olives

(opposite Augusta Victoria Hospital)

P.O.B. 19178

Jerusalem 9119101

Tel.: +972(0)2-6282289

 Fax: +972(0)2-6282628
E-mail: info@lwfjerusalem.org 

E-mail: lwfjerusalem@gmail.com
Website: www.lwfjerusalem.org


Middle East Council of Churches

Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees




22/330 Said Al’as Street


P.O.B. 49


Tel.: +970(0)8-2860146

Tel.: +970(0)8-2822595

Fax. +970 (0)8-2866331
Mobile: +970(0)59 9408128
E-mail: necc@neccgaza.org
Website: www.neccgaza.org





Near East Council of Churches

 International Christian Committee (ICC)


Nablus Road 31

P.O.B. 19195

Jerusalem 9119101


Tel.: +972 2 6288858

Fax: +972 2 6287054

E-mail: iccjer@netvision.net.il

E-mail: info@iccjerusalem.org

Website: www.iccjerusalem.org


Pontifical Mission Jerusalem (C.N.E.W.A.)


Frères Street 4

New Gate

P.O.B. 19642

Jerusalem 9119602

Tel.: +972(0)2-6272126

Fax: +972(0)2-6273777
E-mail: pmp@pmp.co.il
Website: www.pontificalmission-jerusalem.org





Shevet Achim

 International community

 that brings children with congenital heart defects

to the advanced medical centres in Israel


29 Prophets Street

(Rechov HaNeviim)

P.O.B. 32296

Jerusalem 9132202

Tel.: +972(0)2-6245053
E-mail: info@shevet.org


Society of St. Yves

Catholic Human Rights Legal Center


Main office:

Jerusalem - Old City
Latin Patriarchate Rd 40

P.O.B. 1244
Jerusalem 9101201

Tel.: +972(0)2-6264662

Fax: +972(0)2-6264663
E-mail: info@saintyves.org

E-mail: admin@saintyves.org

Bethlehem Office:

Antonian Society Rd.

Tel.: +970(0)2-2747603
Fax: +970(0)2-2751026





Swedish International Relief Association


Special Education School


Beit Jala Road

P.O.B. 167


Tel.: +972(0)2-2742597

Fax: +972(0)2-2741254
Mobile: +972(0)56 8888211
E-mail: principal@sira.ps



Children's Center


Sa'adiyeh 1

(Inside Damascus Gate)

P.O.B. 19991

Jerusalem 911990

Tel.: +972(0)2-6284875

Tel.: +972(0)2-6282631
E-mail: spafford.jerusalem@gmail.com
Website: www.spaffordcenter.org





World Vision

Jerusalem, West Bank, Gaza


Augusta Victoria

Mount of Olives

P.O. B. 51399

 Jerusalem 9151302

Tel.: +972(0)2-6281 793

Fax: +972(0)2-6264 260
E-mail: info_jwg@wvi.org
Website: wvi.org/jerusalem-west-bank-gaza


"Secours Catholique"

Caritas France - Maison d'Abraham


Ras el-Amoud

Mount of Olives

P.O. B. 19680

 Jerusalem 9119602

Tel.: +972(0)2-6284591

Fax: +972(0)2-6274917
E-mail: resa.mda@secours-catholique.org
Website: www.secours-catholique.org/la-maison-dabraham-a-jerusalem