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Action Reconciliation – Services for Peace (ASF)
28 Ein Gedi Street Jerusalem 9338303
"Beit Ben Yehuda” Fax: +972 (0)2-6717540
American Middle East Education Testing Service (AMIDEAST)
Office: Ramallah/El-Bireh Al-Watanieh Towers 1st floor, 34 Municipality Street
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 19665 Jerusalem 9119601
Website: www.amideast.org
Caritas – Jerusalem
Notre Dame of Jerusalem Center P.O.B. 31426 Jerusalem 9131302
Tel.: +972(0)2-6275310 Tel.: +972(0)2-6288421
Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
Jibel Al Mutran Street Beit Hanina P.O.B. 19447 Jerusalem 9119302
Fax: +972(0)2-6569243
Ecumenical Accompaniment Program in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI)
Jerusalem Coordination Office:
German Association of the Holy Land Deutscher Verein vom Heiligen Land (D.V.H.L)
Director: Dr. Georg Röwekamp
Jerusalem Office 9119001 Jerusalem
Lutheran World Federation Jerusalem (LWF)
Mount of Olives (opposite Augusta Victoria Hospital) P.O.B. 19178 Jerusalem 9119101
Fax: +972(0)2-6282628 E-mail: lwfjerusalem@gmail.com
Middle East Council of Churches Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees (MECC/DSPR)
Gaza 22/330 Said Al’as Street Rimal, P.O.B. 49 Gaza
Tel.: +970(0)8-2822595 Fax. +970 (0)8-2866331
Near East Council of Churches International Christian Committee (ICC)
Nablus Road 31 P.O.B. 19195 Jerusalem 9119101
Tel.: +972 2 6288858 Fax: +972 2 6287054 E-mail: iccjer@netvision.net.il E-mail: info@iccjerusalem.org Website: www.iccjerusalem.org
Pontifical Mission Jerusalem (C.N.E.W.A.)
Frères Street 4 New Gate P.O.B. 19642 Jerusalem 9119602
Fax: +972(0)2-6273777
Shevet Achim International community that brings children with congenital heart defects to the advanced medical centres in Israel
29 Prophets Street (Rechov HaNeviim) P.O.B. 32296 Jerusalem 9132202
Society of St. Yves Catholic Human Rights Legal Center
Main office: Jerusalem - Old City P.O.B. 1244
Fax: +972(0)2-6264663 E-mail: admin@saintyves.org
Swedish International Relief Association (SIRA) Special Education School
Beit Jala Road P.O.B. 167 Bethlehem
Fax: +972(0)2-2741254
Spafford Children's Center
Sa'adiyeh 1 (Inside Damascus Gate) P.O.B. 19991 Jerusalem 911990
Tel.: +972(0)2-6282631
World Vision Jerusalem, West Bank, Gaza
Augusta Victoria Mount of Olives P.O. B. 51399 Jerusalem 9151302
Fax: +972(0)2-6264 260
"Secours Catholique" Caritas France - Maison d'Abraham
Ras el-Amoud Mount of Olives P.O. B. 19680 Jerusalem 9119602
Fax: +972(0)2-6274917