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Homes for the Elderly

St. Vincent de Paul Hospice

Shlomo Hamelekh Street 3
P.O. Box 1404

91013 Jerusalem

Tel: +972 (0)2 625 4596
Fax: +972 (0)2 625 9477

Antonian Charitable Society - Bethlehem
Daughters of St. Mary of Hortus Conclusus

Antonian Society Street
P.O. Box 35


Tel: +970 (0)2 274 2573
Fax: +970 (0)2 277 7010
E-mail: antonian@p.ol.com

Saint Nicholas Home - Beit Jala
Charitable Society for the Elderly

Issa Al Najjar Street

P.O.Box 99

Beit Jala

Telefax: +970 (0)2 274 0893
E-mail: stnicolashome@stnicolashome.yahoo.com
Website: www.saintnicolashome.org

Beit Emmaus Nursing Home – Emmaus Qubeibeh
Salvatorian Sisters

P.O. Box 31977

91319 Jerusalem

Tel: +970 (0)2 247 3622
Cell: +972 (0)50 533 7101
Fax: +970 (0)2 247 3623
E-mail: hildegard@congsds.org

Hospice for the Elderly - Bethany
Daughters of Our Lady of Sorrows

P.O. Box 19257

91192 Jerusalem

Tel: +972 (0)2 628 2989
Fax: +972 (0)2 628 8768
E-mail: fnddjeru@palnet.com
Email: homenddjerusalem@gmail.com
Website: www.fnddjeru.org

Home for the Aged - Nazareth
Daughters of Saint Anne

6 Via Monte del Tremore

16100 Nazareth

Tel: +972 (0)4 657 3506
Fax: +972 (0)4 601 3415
E-mail: s.fransis@netvision.it