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Arab Bus Station

(coming out from Damascus Gate to the left)

To Bus no.
Bethlehem 231 (Beit Jala); 234 (to the check point at Rachel's Tomb)
Beit Jala 231
Silwan-Abu Tor 276
Hebron 231*
( * Bus 231 stops at Bab Al Zqaq where people can take a bus to Hebron (7 NIS) or at Al Khader where passengers can take
a shared taxi to Hebron (8 NIS).)

Arab Bus Station off Nablus Road

(coming out from Damascus Gate go straight)

To Bus No.
Emmaus-Kubeibeh 218 or 219 to Ramallah + Taxi Service
Sheikh Jarrah/ Beit Hanina / Kalandia Checkpoint 274
Qalandia Checkpoint to Atarot Industrial Area 246
Isawiyya - Mt. Scopus Hospital 201
Taybeh 218 or 219 to Ramallah + Taxi Service
Ramallah 218 or 219 (Express)
Qalandia Checkpoint to Er-Ram 281
Nablus 218 or 219 to Ramallah + Taxi Service or + Bus to Nablus

Arab bus stop

(coming out from Damascus Gate to the right)

To: Bus number
Bethany 263
Mount of Olives 255 (Ascension, Pater Noster)
275 (Augusta Victoria, Ascension, Pater Noster)
Jericho 263 to Bethany than take a shared taxi
Abu Dis 263