Find a Guide
(A) Arabic (Ara) Aramaic (Ar) Armenian (H) Hebrew (F) French (E) English
(I) Italian (L) Latin (P) Polish (Sp) Spanish (G) German (R) Russian
- 10:30 (F+L)
- Sat - Thu 11:30 (F+L)
Fri 7:00 (H)
Convent Terra Sancta
P.O.B. 1023
Tel: 04 9919564
- 7:30 (A)
Convent Terra Sancta
P.O.B. 1023
Tel: 04 9917333
Fax: 04 9912910
- 9:30 (A)
Fr. Roman Kaminski
51 HaShalom Street
P.O.B. 4320
8414202 Beer Sheva
Tel: 054 265 6845
E-mail: stjames.beersheva@lpj.org
- 18:15 (H)
- Mon - Fri 18:30 (H)
Sat 18:30 (E)
Convent Terra Sancta
P.O.B. 186
Tel: 02 2799291
Fax: 02-2797493
- 11:00 (A)
- 7:00 a.m. (A) Morning Lauds and Mass
Custodia di Terra Santa
Manger Square
P.O.B. 45
Tel: 02 2742425
Fax 02 2776171
- 6:30 (I)
7.30 (A)
9:00 (A)
11:00 (A)
- 6:30 (I)
7:00 (A)
Sat (A) 17:00 (winter time) / 18:00 (summer time) in the Chapel of St. Francis
Wed (A) 16:30 (winter time) / 17:30 (summer time)
- 4:55 (I) (winter time)
5:55 (I) (summer schedule)
8:30 a.m. (I) (winter schedule)
9:30 a.m. (I) (summer schedule)
- 4:55 (I) (winter time)
5:55 (I) (summer schedule)
7:30 a.m. (I) (winter schedule)
8:30 (I) (summer timetable)
Salesian Street
P.O.B. 41
Tel: 02 2742421
Fax: 02 2747162
- 8:30 (A)
- 6:30 (A)
Star Street
P.O.B. 317
Tel/Fax: 02 2742493
- 10:00 (A)
450 Nativity Street
P.O.B. 199
Tel/Fax: 02 2756818
Cell: 0599059877
- 9:00 (Sir+A)
- Saturdays during the summer 18:00 (Sir+A)
Custodia Terra Santa
Latin Church
P.O.B. 1580
1693000 Kafr Kanna
Tel: 04 6517011
Fax: 04 6519706
- 10:00 (A)
Sderot Ye'elim 318/4
P.O.B. 8264
8855700 Eilat
Tel/Fax: 08 6315739
- 19:00 (A)
- Sat 12:00 (Sp) and 18:30 (E)
Mon - Thu 19:00
Bethlehem University
5 Rue des Frères Bethlehem, Bethlehem, Palestine
Faculty of Education
Tel: +970 (0)2-274-1241 Ext: 2204
Fax: +970 (0)2-274-4440
Web: www.bethlehem.edu
- Monday, Tuesday and Thursday: 12:00 (E)
Friday: 12:00 (winter)/12:45 (summer) (A)
Convent Terra Santa
P.O.B. 186
Tel: 02 2473612
- 9:00 (A)
P.O.B. 149
Tel: 08 2837155
Cell: 059 8222291
- Please call first.
- Please call first.
Custodia di Terra Santa
Jaffa Street
P.O.B. 23
Tel: 02 2322532
Fax: 02 2326062
- 9:30 (A)
- 19:00 (A)
P.O.B. 9000
31090 Haifa
Tel: 04 8337758
Fax: 04 8330081
Email: stellamarischurch@gmail.com
Website: www.carmelholylanddco.org
- 8:00 (I)
9:00 a.m. (E)
- Mon - Thu 7:00 a.m. (I)
Fri 7:00 (E)
Sat 7:00 (A)
80 Sderot HaMeginim
P.O.B. 9047
Tel: 04 8524346 / 8524392
- 8:30 (A)
10:00 (A)
19:00 (A)
- Mon - Sat 18:00 (A)
Sat 11:30 (R)
Sat 19:00 (E)
5 Rubin Street
P.O.B. 1442
Tel/Fax: 04 8643427
Cell: 054 8083314
- 10:00 (A+Sir)
19:00 (A+Sir)
- Mon - Wed and Fri 18:00
Sat 10:00
P.O.B. 9133
3109101 Haifa
Tel: 04 6075535
Fax: 04 8530166
- 8:00 (A)
10:00 (A)
19:00 (A)
- Mon - Fri 7:30 (A)
Sat 18:00 (A)
Saint Charles Guest House Latin Patriarchate
15 Jaffa Road
P.O.B. 9017
33413 Haifa
Tel: 04 8553705
- 8:00 (A)
- 7:30 (A)
Rev. Cristian Carreño
Tel: 050 839 9803
E-Mail: stjames.haifa@lpj.org
- 18:00 (H)
- 18:00 (H) Monday - Thursday
15:00 (H or E) Friday
18:00 (H) Saturday
Branch of the parish of St. Anthony of Jaffa
Ben Gurion 32
Tel: +972 54 247 4927
HERZLIYA – Temporarily closed
Shmuel Hanatziv 28
Tel: +972 54 247 4927
Saturday 19:30 Tagalog
2nd & 4th Friday only
19:30 (EN if mixed congregation) or Tagalog
Latroun Junction Hativa 7
P.O.B. 753
7210701 Ramleh
Tel: +972 58 638 2382 (French & English)
Secretary: contact@abbayelatroun.com
Guest house: house.retreat@abbayelatroun.com
- 10:30 (F+L) Tierce followed by Mass (all year & solemnities)
- 6:30 (F) (all year) Lauds followed by Mass
Please notify us by phone or by email before coming
P.O.B. 638
72100 Ramleh
Tel: 08 9256940
Cell: 052 3562071
Fax: 08 9246569
- 11.00 (F)
We recommend that you contact
- Mon 12:00
Tue and Wed 6:30
Sat: 7:00
Custodia di Terra Santa
Casa Nova Street
P.O.B. 23
Tel: 04 6572501
Fax: 04 6460203
- 7:00 (A) in the Grotto
8:30 (A) in the Church of St. Joseph
10:00 (A) in the Basilica
10:00 (I) in the Church of St. Joseph
- 6:30 a.m. (I) in the Grotto
7:15 a.m. (A) in the Church of St. Joseph
Saturday 11:00 a.m. in the Grotto
20:30-21:30 (Thursday) Rosary in the Grotto of the Annunciation
20:30-21:30 (Saturday) Procession in the Grotto of the Annunciation
Custodia di Terra Santa
Casa Nova Street
P.O.B. 23
Tel: 04 6572501
Fax: 04 6460203
- 8:30 (A)
10:00 (I)
- 7:15 (A)
20:30-21:30 (Tuesday) Prayer
Tel: 04 6568488
Fax: 04 6568488,
Cell: 050 4321250 (Saher)
- 10:00 (A)
Street 403/21
Tel: 04 6554256
- 10:00 (A)
- Sat 18:00 (A)
P.O.B. 442
Tel: 09 2371492
Fax: 09 2386787
- 17:00 (A) (summer time)
- 7:00 (A)
P.O.B. 21
Tel: 09 2344016
- 10:00 (A)
- 17:00 (A) (winter time)
18:00 (A) (summer time)
Main Street
P.O.B. 47
Tel: 02 2956026
Fax: 02 2957498
- 7:00 (A)
10:15 (A)
- 18:00 (A)
Es' Sahel Street
P.O.B. 1097
Tel: 02 2956292
Fax: 02 2956292
- 10:00 (A)
- 17:00 (A) (winter time)
18:00 (A) (summer time)
Convent Terra Sancta
Rehov Bialik 1
P.O.B. 19
Tel: 08 912087200
Fax: 08 9127201
- 9:00 (A)
- 6:30 (A)
Sat 18:00 (A)
Church of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes
P.O.B. 52
14100 Tiberias
Tel: 04 667 8100
Fax: 04 667 8101
Email: monastery@tabgha.net or tabgha@tabgha.net
- 9:00 (G)
- 5:30 Lauds (G)
7:00 Mass (G+E) Please call first
P.O.B. 2
Tel: 02 2898020
Fax: 02 2898160
- 8:00 (A)
10:00 (A)
- 17:00 (A) (winter time)
18:00 (A) (summer time)
Main Street
Tel: 02 2898027
- 9:30 (A)
- 6:00 (A)
Custodia Terra Santa
51 Rehov Yaphet
P.O.B. 8423
6108301 Jaffa-Tel Aviv
Tel: 03 5133800
Fax: 03 6830352
Email: stanthony.jaffa@gmail.com
- 9:00 (A)
10:30 (E)
18:00 (A)
- Mon - Tue - Thu 7:00 (A)
Wed 20:00 (E)
Fri 18:00 (A)
Sat 11:00 (E) / 16:00 (H) / 17:00 Tagalog / 19:30 (E)
Custodia Terra Santa
1 Mifrats Shlomo
P.O.B. 8467
Tel: 03 6822871
Tel: 03 682 2871
- 9:00 a.m. (E)
18:00 (Pol)
19:15 (H)
- Mon, Fri 6:45 morning prayer & 7:00 (E)
Fri Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 6:15
Saturday - Anticipated Mass for Sunday
18:00 (Sp)
19:15 (H)
33 Shivat Zion Street
- 9:30 (Tagalog)
- Mon - Fri 20:00 (Tagalog)
Fri 19:00 adoration
Sat 15:00 evening mass (E or H or Tagalog)
16:30 evening mass (Tagalog)
18:00 evening mass (E)
19:30 messa vespertina (Tagalog)
Tel: 03 6817128
Cell: 052 2669296
Email: fr_karim70@hotmail.com
- 9:00 (A)
- Sat 17:00 (A)
HaDolphin Street 22
Tel: 03 6823314
Fax: 02 2777321
- Sat 17:00 (A)
Tel: 054 253 8932 (P. Matthias Karl OSB)
Email: seelsorger@dormitio.net
Website: www.dormitio.net
- Sat 11:00
Please call first
1 HaYarden Street
P.O.B. 179
14101 Tiberias
Tel: 04 6720516
Fax: 04 6720961
Email: tiberias@koinoniagb.org
- 8:30 (E)
- Wednesday 19:30 (E)
Thursday 19:30 (E)
Fri 18:30 (E)
Sat 18:00 (H)